To know this story, you need to meet these people.
Let’s See Labs presents
a journey of reckonings and resilience
Grappling with the traumas of dark atrocities, these leaders offer our world community a glimpse of what it looks like to orient away from revenge and move towards sourcing peace and forgiveness from within.
This film has been officially selected to screen at the 2021 Cannes World Film Festival (WINNER: Best Humanitarian Film), 2021 Vail Film Festival (WINNER: Best Short Documentary 2021), 2021 Sedona International Film Festival, 2020 Global Impact Film Festival (WINNER: Best Director in the Social Relations category), The Young Film Market at the Social World Film Festival, Oslo Short Film Festival, The Impact Doc Awards (WINNER: Award of Excellence), and The Depth of Field International Film Festival (WINNER: Exceptional Merit & Excellence).
In addition to these selections, we are currently exploring other platforms for screenings, dialogue-centered viewing experiences, and other ways this film can have optimal impact.
In 1994, approximately over 1 million people were killed in the Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsi. In this film, we turn towards facing the truth as part of the collective healing process.
Let’s See Labs collected stories from survivors and perpetrators who chose the path of reconciliation and forgiveness. We bring you these stories in a film as they engage the world in what it looks like to reckon with the raw traumatic truths of what happened, leading us through the discomfort of acceptance and into the liberation of reconciliation.
Hyppolite Ntigurirwa’s performing arts serves as a grounding foundation that roots these stories in the pathway towards unification, love, and peace.
Produced by Let’s See Labs, Directed by Gareth Gwyn, Edited by Cat Ganson, Cinematography by Roc Morin & Anna Remus, Interviews by Roc Morin & Gareth Gwyn, Niyitanga Dieudonne- Fixer, Muhoozi Emmanuel- Translator
Featuring: Hyppolite Ntigurirwa, Hakizimana Patrick, Mukakarangwa Ernestine, Mukarumanzi Claudette, Ntambara Jean Claude, Mukarulinda Alice, Sibomana Sylvestre, Ntampaka Ladislas, Murorunkwere Francine
Rwandan Organizations & NGO Collaborations: Never Again Rwanda, Aegis Trust, Ukuri Kuganze (Let Peace Prevail), Be The Peace, CNLG Rwanda (Rwandan National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide) // Organizations helping with facilitation: RALC (Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture), Rwandan Embassy of USA, Common Street Spiritual Center // Additional gratitude for support & participation: Mutangana Simon, Mukabaruta Helene, Kayinamura Didas, Rev. Dr. Ian Mevorach, Carole Berkowitz, Elodie Shami, Gasana Idriss Byiringiro, Dukundimana Dickson, Enoch S Nsubuga, Dr Mashi Kwenye
How might storytelling & creative expression play a role in halting the intergenerational transmission of hate?